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Webster Lodge #98


Tuesday September 24th Webster Lodge #98 held its monthly stated meeting with a dinner of chicken strips at 6pm, one prospective member in attendance. At 7pm Worshipful Master Champ Herren opened the lodge in due form. There was one guest, and twelve members. The minutes were read and approved. Treasurer Brooks gave a financial report and an update on the roof, with repairs to commence soon. The report was accepted and approved. Also discussed was the Harvest Days Breakfast held last Saturday. In spite of the rain a steady flow of locals and festival goers attended, exceeding our expectations. Junior Warden Matt Guy, felt “It was a big success for our first year, and something we will do again.” Worshipful Master Champ Herren echoed Guy’s assessment, adding, “The community really turned out, a big thank you Marshfield!” The fundraiser netted over $800 with all proceeds going to offset the roof expense. Under sickness and distress it was noted the passing of Lucille Blinn, widow of MWB J. Edward “Doc” Blinn, and Kathy Haymes, widow of WB David Haymes. Under new business: A petition for membership was submitted and a committee of investigation appointed. It was decided to adopt a family at Christmas and funds were allocated. Next item discussed preparations for the upcoming Chili and Gumbo Luncheon to be held at the Masonic Temple October 5th from 11am-2pm. Proceeds of the fundraiser benefit Parents as Teachers. Tickets are $5.00 including drinks and dessert. We are expecting a large turnout, so any brothers wishing to offset the cost of ingredients, or to help for a few hours are encouraged to contact Bro. Herren. Reports were received from Grand Lodge. Be on the lookout for the Master’s Letter in your mailbox, it will have the annual notification of dues and a trestleboard for the year. All members of the community are encouraged to like and follow Webster #98 on Facebook. No other business appearing, the lodge was closed in due form.


October 5, Chilli and Gumbo Luncheon 11 am-2 pm

October 22, Stated, Dine at 6, Open at 7 (David Young 50 year pin)


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