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Rogers Ramblings

By Roger Herman
Posted 10/2/24

Hi everyone! O K rambling friends for several weeks now we have been diving into six different principles how Hitler changed Germany after World War One into a Nazi nation. He employed eight different principles in which we have gone through six. Let me remind you what we have covered so far. Indoctrination of children, taking guns away from good people, censoring the news media, creating a crisis, establishing a hate group and controlling the preachers. This week is going to be explaining Hitler’s ‘cancel culture'. When the Nazis’ came to power they knew the importance of changing the culture was a top priority. For the first months of his dictatorship he banned certain books, statues, literature, control of education for students, religion, entertainment, signs, plays and fine arts and promoted the hatred of Jews. The Nazi party established a party line of doctrine and everyone had to conform or else be arrested and sent off to a concentration camp for torture and death. There were massive book burnings in public places and you were considered a good citizen if you did your part to burn or destroy anything you had that did not comply. In America today we have been purging ourselves of much of our past culture as well. More slowly perhaps than Hitler demanded his citizens to do so but nevertheless it has been taking place. Let’s name just a few. Remaining our military bases that were named after confederate generals. Taking down statues of the civil war. Many schools have banned the Bible however books that teach about the acceptance of LGBT is considered normal. At one time I used to read the school books that grade school children were being taught. I will never forget the first time I read a first graders primary reader that having two moms or two dads was normal. As a child of the 50’s and 60’s and what was taught in school then is like a night and day difference when compared with our education in today's classroom. What is considered good today would have been considered pornography in the fifties culture of our past. One principle in which politicians know too well is the well known principle of telling lies. When they repeat their lies over and over again their lies are accepted as the new truth. Remember when the prime minister of Israel came to America a few weeks ago (Benjamin Netanyahu) to address the joint session of congress that certain Senators and Representatives would not show up? These actions send a powerful message who they support and don’t! Remember last October 7, 2023 when Hamas invaded Israel when 1400 civilians were killed, raped, cut heads off of innocent women and children and dragged hundred of hostages back to Gaza to be brutalized. Today, Hamas still holds many hostages which they will not release. The leaders of Hamas have and did employ all of the principles Hitler used to change his nation into Jew haters. It makes me feel so sad when our colleges are guilty of spreading hate and discord among our college students to take the side of Hamas. Oh by the way the name Hamas means —EVIL! It is so so sad to see our young people blindly holding up signs and proclaiming to be Hamas and Jew haters. How would these students, faculty and staff like for a hate group to do to them what Hamas did to the Jews? Oh I am sure the rules would change very quickly if the shoe were on the other foot. One of my first eye opener wake up calls of how colleges change a conservative student into a liberal was when I used to listen to a college professor on a well known local radio station in the 1970’s. Guess what, he was the professor of religious studies and when asked if the Bible were true he said, “no” it is simply a bunch of legends and stories. Now I will get down to where I am, what I believe. I wondered for a long time how the Bible could be true and not just a bunch of stories handed down like the college professor proclaimed on radio. He made me think for a long time and finally I realized there is one thing no man can do! Prophecy! Predicting the future is impossible for everyone.

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