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Rogers Ramblings

By Roger Herman
Posted 9/25/24

Hi everyone! This week will be very interesting because we are going to push a few buttons... Let’s have a quick review of the last six weeks for our new readers. We started this series to review how Hitler took over Germany after World War One. We have already had ramblings of indoctrination of children, taking guns away from good citizens, censoring the news media, creating a crisis for political gain, establishing a hate group and last week was controlling the preachers. We did not adequately cover as much ground as wanted to so we are going to continue where we left off last week. We have been comparing America being taken over by the ‘woke’ folks to Hitler’s takeover of Germany by the Nazis. Friends and neighbors elections have consequences and we need to know how our candidates vote on different issues. Since we have a target on preachers this week let’s dive deep into the moral compass of America today. In the past our pastors were the guiding light, torch bearers and the watchmen on the wall to furnish wisdom and instruction for their flocks. They are doing this less and less today in our churches. Most do not want to be criticized and want to just get along with everyone about major issues facing our nation today. Last week two of the issues we listed were the partial birth abortion debate, and the war in Israel. We simply seldom hear preaching on controversial issues. Now let’s switch gears. Have you ever heard of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Law commonly known as RICO? This law was enacted in 1970 to help combat organized crime. There were five organized crime families in New York. They were the Gambino, Lucchese, Genovese, Bonanno, and the Colombo families. Organized crime collected millions of dollars. The longshoremen, teamsters, garbage collectors, fish market, garment industry, construction industries, gambling and other entities were mafia controlled. Each mafia family sent their leader to an all ruling commission in which they would determine how to work out their problems. This was known as organized crime and was very efficient at avoiding criminal prosecution. The problem for decades was the police would arrest a foot soldier of the mafia criminal organization and the crime boss would be isolated. However, under RICO an organization from the bottom all the way up the leader can be charged with different crimes for long extended prison sentences. Friends and neighbors as legal voting members of our community we vote on many issues. Government offices, for our pastors of our churches, our club leaders etc. Our votes are really important! Now partial birth abortion is a hot button subject in some of our churches. We all should know what candidates support and do not support this issue. If you believe aborting an 8 month baby is murder then don’t vote for candidates who will legalize it. If you believe it is O K then vote as you choose to. If you support Israel then vote for candidates who support Israel. Now let’s marry RICO law and preachers together. If you have a Bible believing preacher most would agree not to agree with partial birth abortion or turning your back on Israel in their fight for survival today. When we vote on candidates who approve of partial birth abortion is this murder of a child? When we do not support Israel today in their battles with Islamic terrorists, is this correct according to the Bible? Genesis 12:3 and Psalm 85: 1-2 makes this very clear about Christians supporting Israel. How about late term abortions? Matthew 18:6 makes this very clear about not harming children. Now rambling Roger, what does the RICO law have to do with Israel, babies and preachers? Here goes hang on. When you knowingly vote for a candidate who supports abortion of late term children and you go ahead and vote for them are you not guilty of murder under Ricco laws? Do you deserve to be arrested and tried for murder? How about the candidates who do not support Israel’s battle with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran? When you vote for candidates who do

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