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Rogers Ramblings

By Roger Herman
Posted 9/18/24

Hi everyone! Well folks let’s get started with a review of the last five weeks. For new readers we have been learning how Hitler fundamentally changed the culture and direction of Germany. In the beginning we compared his plan to adding spark plugs to a high performance engine and each chapter makes his country fire up louder and more powerful. This week is spark plug number 6. We are definitely firing up loud and by the end of this article most of us will be also. Let’s review. Number one, indoctrination of children, number two, taking guns away. Number three, censoring the news media. Number four, establishing a hate group. Number five, using a crisis for political gain. Our nation today is like a frog being slowly boiled and doesn't realize it. This week’s plug is controlling the narrative of the preachers. When Hitler became dictator in 1933 one priority was to deal with the preachers. In 1935 hundreds of pastors unified and had the courage to oppose Hitler from the pulpit. Instantly the German Gestapo (be like our FBI or DOJ) rounded up hundreds of pastors who would oppose Hiter and were sent to death camps. Even after the war started church services continued. Churches that continued in the open were politically correct and the pastors simply preached soft milk toast sermons. Titles such as, Good Feelings. Better Life. Everything will be great. Victorious living. The sermons all referred to Romans 13: 1 and 2. Hitler liked and approved of this verse. One account was about a country church that met every Sunday and the congregation would meet to sing and the politically correct preacher would preach a mushy sermon. They were on the tracks and as the train went by at the same time every Sunday there were moans, groans and wailing of people in human misery seen inside the box cars on their way to the nearby Auchowitz death camp. The preacher being of political correctness simply told his congregation to sing a little louder and ignore the train. (Basically what most churches do today) Even though most people knew where and why the train was going, no one dared say a word. Friends and neighbors this is only a small tidbit of information of how Nazi churches either comply or if you were a true preacher you went underground and risked death yourself. O K now folks do we have political correctness in our churches today? Do our preachers lull many to sleep with carefully selected platitudes that are not controversial? Are we a society being indoctrinated today after ten years of the new ‘Woke’ agenda? Oh my yes!!!! (Myself included.) The other day I was at a restaurant ordering and I said, “I wanted my coffee black.” A little voice said from the side,” that is not politically correct.” I instantly said, “oh I mean coffee without anything in it.” This happened about three months ago and I have put a great deal of thought into what I said and how we (the American People) all are becoming ‘Woke’. About a year ago I was listening to a popular F M religious station and the message was about the declining church population in America today. All denominations are way down and more churches are closing their doors each year than new churches are being started. Why is church membership and attendance going down so fast overall? However our churches of today have many good qualities. First of all I want to commend the pastors of today's churches for having excellent programs. Conducting funerals, weddings, school lunches for needy children and backpacks for kids without food on the weekend. In addition mission trips to foreign countries to help out folks in church starts and provides hope and help to the homeless plus good drug programs and many more. Now folks for the weakness of the church of today and why the overall decline of church membership. It’s not because of good programs and community involvement and nice people. What’s the answer? The watered down, woke, politically correct sermons that talk a lot but do not get our attention. The preacher that I heard a year ago on the F M station noted that 95% of all preachers are politically correct in their sermons. When Jesus was alive—- teaching, informing and preaching the gospel also connected it to the sins of the current government rules and policies that were contrary to his word. The people loved him because he was a strong leader and the government and church leaders hated him because he spoke out against their policies. Today we have the LGBT subject, partial birth abortion, war in Israel, preaching on hell, what is sin to name just a few issues that are seldom mentioned by weak pastors. Next week we continue this rambling on present day woke pastors.

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