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Rogers Ramblings

By Roger Herman
Posted 9/11/24

Hi everyone! Our rambling for the last four weeks has been about the fundamental plan Hitler used to change his nation before and after he came to power. He had a carefully crafted plan that consisted of eight points. His administration was very effective in guiding his country in the direction he wanted his Germany to be. For a quick review of the last four weeks we have covered, Indoctrination of children, taking guns away from our citizens, controlling the narrative of the news media and last week was establishing a hate group. Each chapter in Hitler’s book of deception was a stepping stone to gain iron-fisted control of his nation. This week’s rambling is, using a crisis for political gain. At this time let’s jump back to February 28, 1933 when the German government building called the Reichstag was burned to the ground. The forces of Hitler called the Nazis took full advantage of this event and eventually ended up with full dictator power. On the day of the Reichstag being torched (many believed by the Nazis in order to create a crisis) then president Hindenburg signed the Emergency Decree for the Protection of the German People. This legislation took away freedom of press, right to own property, and the right to trial before imprisonment. Of course the name of this act does not resemble what it really meant. Governments including ours put nice names on decrees, bills, executive actions to fool their people. They want them to think one way and at the same time really mean just the opposite. Remember the old saying, the devil is in the fine print? Before elections took place on March 20, 1933 the Nazis had already opened up their first concentration camp (death camp) Dachau. Hitler’s terror had begun and by election the opponents of Hitler for the most part were either too afraid to vote or had already been killed or imprisoned. Rambling friends, has America ever used crisis for political control? Of course we have! Let’s name a few. Let’s take 9/11. The president at the time created another government agency called Homeland Security. We already know what a fine job they do at our border today. Let’s take another crisis. The conservative Christians are on the hit list to be dealt with because we are the center of hate. New laws will turn conservatives into criminals. Did you know that a previous administration declared we have not two but 72 gender identities? It’s no longer just male and female, it's 70 others we can call ourselves. Not all Americans go along with the new decree therefore laws are being passed and executive orders signed to force everyone to comply or else. For example in Canada if you don’t call someone by their proper pronoun then you can be arrested for a hate crime. If you have a child in public schools and as a parent you protest the forced gender policies that permit boys in girls restrooms and males playing on girl sports teams you can be called a domestic terrorist.The creators of the laws in America today are masters at manipulation to deceive our people. Now let’s take a look at California. What happens on the West coast reaches the midwest in a few more years. Governor Newsom of California recently signed SB 107 into law. I have been aware of his desire to get this bill passed but I really did not believe it was possible. Rambling friends it‘s official! California did it! Let’s just find out what it says and what it means. SB 107 which is now law can reach into all 50 states. Any child can be transported to California and receive horrible surgeries and receive gender reassignment. Parents do not have to be notified. Guess what? Parents in divorce cases can have their parental rights taken away from this new law. Governor Newsom’s legislation can even reach us if we are not careful. Quote, Even if a child has never visited California they could obtain puberty blockers via telemedicine from a doctor in California and the parents denied the information about their own child. In addition I was reading about a California school district suing the state of California for not being able to let parents know about their own children. How about the Covid crisis? Churches were

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