Hi friends and neighbors of Webster County and beyond. Last week the Rambling came galloping back at breakneck speed after having a few weeks being dormant. I am happy to once again be sharing stories and folklore. Now I have run across several folks that are not familiar with our story that has been going on since January of this year. For those who have followed our story we have gone through many exciting adventures and their personal drama and the challenging life of our young couple. This week I want to go back to the beginning and remind everyone and bring everyone else up to par where we are out in order to be able to finish this story to a close in the next couple of weeks.
In the beginning our story is of a young couple that grew up together during the 1850’s near Fort Sand Springs in northwest Webster county. Our young lady’s name is Mary Lou and her parents immigrated to Missouri from Tennessee and they brought their southern politics with them. Mr Ollie Rimzy was a diehard southern rebel and soon became the voice of the southern opposition among the local citizens. Ironically our young man, (Johnny) has parents who strongly support the north, making this relationship very explosive from the get go to say the least. As this love story has unfolded we have noticed that a majority of the towns folks of Sand Springs and neighbors have come to adore our young couple. However: not all is well! Mary Lou’s father is bitter and has been full of hate toward his only daughter for betraying him with a relationship with a Union supporter. Yes, our couple did eventually get married and the community came to watch and support them except Ollie and his rebel friends.
Our wedding as described in a previous rambling was a big event and almost everyone was happy for the new couple. After the vows, the town's musicians were starting the celebration phase and everyone was lined up for our new couple to have a joyous wedding dance to begin their life as husband and wife. Suddenly: out of nowhere Ollie appears and boom! He shoots his shotgun into the air frightening everyone. He proudly announces via a telegraph message from Abraham Lincoln that Fort Sumter has been captured by the rebels and war has begun. Instantly Ollie was detained and our couple started their marriage off on a bitter song and dance that will continue on for years. Fast forward several months: our Johnny joins the Union army and rides off to war, while our sweet Mary Lou was left to live with her rebel dad.
While our Mary Lou is coping with a mental war with her dad, our Johnny is not doing much better. We learned from a previous rambling that he eventually got shot at Murfreesboro, Tennessee after three days of brutal fighting, left for dead and discovered at the last moment and picked up and after months of recovery survived the war and ended up in St Louis as per last week's rambing. Now we are up to speed. We also read from last week our Johnny is an executive of the St Louis San Francisco Railroad Company. He has been promoted to Senior vice president and is now in charge of all newly approved construction to extend their tracks to Springfield, Mo. Meanwhile: fast forward several months and it’s another day at Mr Keesee’s general store at Sand Springs, our Mary Lou is the clerk and waiting on customers. (Suddenly, Sendor (the telegraph operator) comes into the store with exciting news.
“Remember the surveyors that came through here three weeks ago? Well, they were scouting out the best possible way to build and lay tracks to Springfield. It will be a boom for us. They will need workers, mules, supplies, spikes, lumber and ties. Also: I have another public wire announcement, the railroad company is sending their CEO in charge of all building and public relations right here to Sand Springs, three weeks from today. (Mr Sam Kessee the owner of most of the town and mercantile comes in through the door.) Alright folks, you’ve heard the latest. Go tell everyone and let’s give this railroad man a big party and hoe down and celebration when he arrives! Listen, I will spare no expenses. Let’s get started. You ladies, we need lots of food, men-butcher a few hogs, musicians for a barn dance, let's get started! (meanwhile by now the entire town has listened to Mr Kessee and word spreads quickly. Everyone begins to get ready for the biggest event in Sand Springs history.)
O.K. my friends - this is it! Next week excitement and so much more as this drama is about to unfold its secrets from the past.
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