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Forty years ago I might have been planning another trip to the West about now. more
Nobody is going to mistake cut-rate biopic “Reagan” for a great movie. At best, it’s a pretty standard greatest-hits collection of important moments in the former President’s life. At worst, it’s a laughably underfunded production made by people who, for whatever reason, want to sell America on Ronald Reagan in 2024. But the movie is not always at its worst. It’s a subpar movie that I think some critics are mistaking for a terrible movie. more
Hi everyone! So glad to be back for more rambling. For the last three weeks we have been adding spark plugs to the defeated nation of Germany after World War One. We have been comparing defeated Germany to a blown engine that is being overhauled by Hitler with his eight part plan that he began immediately after he came to power in 1933. Each spark plug being installed gets his war machine firing up with more and more power. The last three weeks we have already installed three of Hitler’s spark plugs of evil to fundamentally change his country. They have been: Indoctrination of children. Number two plug: take guns away from its citizens, and last week’s number three was to control the narrative of the news media. Rambling friends this week’s number four plug is: establish a hate group. Hitler’s hate group was the Jews. Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat for his country to blame any problem on. Before the war was over the Hitler regime murdered six million Jews. I have studied and researched for many years the results of Hitler’s poor decision. Let me name just a few examples. Did you know that German physicists in the 1930’s were working on how to make nuclear bombs? One of the greatest scientists at the time was a Jewish woman named Lise Meitner; she discovered the radioactive element protactinium and was the author of the phrase nuclear fission. Lise was Jewish so she had to flee Germany because Hitler wanted her killed. There were many other nuclear scientists who were Jews who eventually escaped to America to work on the Manhattan project which eventually produced the atomic bombs that ended the war when dropped on Japan. Three of the most famous Jewish physicists were Einstein, Szilard and Fermi. These brilliant scientists and others could have developed the atomic bomb for Hitler but his hatred for them simply overwhelmed his evil mind of Satan. In addition to nuclear scientists the best of the best business men, engineers, inventors and skilled workforce were killed. In my opinion Hitler could have ruled the world if he had used his Jewish scientist and be the first to develop the atomic bomb before starting world war two. However: what Hitler meant for evil God almighty in his wisdom was using Hitler to pave the road for Israel to become a nation in 1948. Folks, Israel becoming a nation is in Bible prophecy and just one more reason why the Bible is so dangerous to dictators and tyrants. Now let’s get back to establishing a hate group. Hitler’s first concentration camp (death facility) was Dachau. Tens of thousands of Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies, preachers, and anyone else who did not accept Hitler’s ideology were sent there to die. Hitler’s Germany became a nation of snitches and anyone with any information could rise in Hitler’s Germany by turning in a family member or neighbor. Now folks do you think this is happening in our modern world today? Oh my yes! Let’s take China for example. Everyone has a Social Credit Score. Everyone is tracked and listened to and where you go and who you are friends with determines your social score for better jobs and opportunities. A low social score will deny you and your family from school, housing, food and much more. One crime that will get you rounded up and never seen again is having a Bible.The Bible is considered a dangerous book in China and will get you killed. Several years ago I survived a grain bin explosion and my back was broken in 7 places. I truly thought I was going to die. Long story short I woke up in the hospital and for days a long haired hippie type of male nurse took my blood at three o’clock each morning. After 4 days of misery I finally asked him why he was so rough looking? His answer was shocking. He said he had just returned from China disguised as an English teacher. However I was really a smuggler of Bibles to known believers.The government of China is trying to stamp out Christians. Missionaries such as my male nurse who risked their lives are helping to spread the gospel. Looking awful and looking like a hippie made more
Hi everyone! We are back again in the saddle of history of how nations go through fundamental changes in the matter of a few short years. Before we get into this week’s rambling I just want to express my sincere gratitude for all the people who mention their support of the weekly rambling. Please do not forget our wonderful paper and editor that permits free speech to be printed! We are very blessed in our community. I truly hope and pray we do not take these privileges for granted and take a moment to send our editor an email for her to continue to work hard each week to give us a paper. O K friends and neighbors let’s get started! You know I love a series of articles. This third week of this rambling series is how to change a nation. Our example and segway used was adding another spark plug to a high performance engine. The more plugs installed and firing the smoother and more powerful it becomes. Just in case you missed the last two weeks we have already covered the Indoctrination of children and gun control by politicians. Please go back and review the previous two if you missed them. Without further ado let's begin. Number three spark plug is to control the narrative of the news media. Oh wow! This plug will touch everyone because in our climate of instant news we are all (myself included ) are indoctrinated daily. I am simply using the eight steps Hitler used to change his Germany; controlling the news media is simply one of them. Alright now enough background. Hitler came to power on January 30, of 1933. However: he had already laid his groundwork down before getting full power. One of his first steps was to appoint a director of propaganda. He appointed Joseph Goebbels to begin the control of film, radio, theater, arts and the press. He shut down all free newspapers and other forms of communication which did not comply with Hitler’s Ideology. Friends, do we have such acts going on in our nation today? Has our federal government ever been guilty of censoring what news we hear through different means? Oh my! Yes! Yes! Yes! This subject I could write many weeks on this one alone. Let’s just name a few examples. The border crisis. Did you know there are three different ways but only one is usually mentioned. One is by tens of thousands being airlifted. Two a sanctioned suggested area and three all of the rest of border crossings along the southern part of the United States. They are being given apps, free phones, debit cards with money, and many free benefits to go where they choose. Let's take Hollywood, have you noticed our movies and tv promote the new woke agenda. I heard a high up politician a few days ago, ‘everyone needs to be woke and more woke’. Now let’s bring up a controversial subject matter of our recent covid crisis. Personally, I had covid twice.There was a lot of misinformation from our government during that time period. Mainly how they prevented freedom of speech on both sides to help people choose what they felt was best for them. I personally knew of doctors who were threatened with their jobs and even doctors in the military who lost their jobs because they did now go along with the propaganda from our government. Our doctor told us when it came out if your family has a history of blood clots not to take the jab. I personally know one family of 8 kids. Three took the jab and the other 5 five did not. One died from a massive heart attack a few weeks later and another one had a massive heart attack who survived and the third one with no known side effects to date. Now rambling readers you would think there would be journalists that would show on our public tv stations these problems and side effects from the jab. No! Too much money is involved from stations and other media outlets to have any negative advertising. Certain companies poured millions of dollars into the stations and in order to receive the money —--no negative publicity. Now folks, please do not take me wrong. I am all for anyone and everyone taking the jabs. My problem is how we were censored from hearing both sides. There more
Newspaper reporters don’t typically get much respect as writers. more
Hi friends and neighbors of Marshfield Mail Land and beyond. Another tragic stain is on America’s political world. A former president was wounded in an assassination attempt. This makes the fourth time in my life in which a president or candidate has been shot. Wow! What turns human beings into committing such acts of evil? Also: it always amazes me when a horrible shooting happens that the next day the solution is for more gun control. Well folks I have carefully checked into this theory. Cities such as New York, Baltimore, Chicago, St Louis, Houston, Los Angeles and other big cities with the strictest gun control have the worst gun violence. Let’s go back in time to the fifties and sixties. Pickup trucks commonly had gun racks in which good old country boys had access to their weapons at all times. Also: when kids got in trouble in school another whippin when they got home. The ten commandments were on the walls at schools and many teachers had other Bible references in the classroom. ( I had teachers that did.) Thou Shalt Not Kill! Thou Shalt Not Steal! Thou Shalt Honor Thy Father and Mother! We were also reminded of the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you! My oh my!!! What terrible ideas for the schools to teach and promote today!!! We have two states ( Louisiania and Oklahoma) that have the audacity of requiring their public schools to begin posting the ten commandments and teaching references to the Bible. Why in this climate of everything being racist and bigoted today we can’t let morals be taught to our children! O K friends of the Marshfield Mail Land I am being facetious!! Did you know that these states are already facing legal challenges to prevent posting of the ten commandments? Now rambling readers: let’s give our state of Missouri a pat on the back. Our conservation department promotes fathers and grandfathers to take their six year old and older children to the woods and give them a high powered deer rifle to teach them gun safety and good hunting morals. The program has been tremendously successful with a stellar safety record for the children. Our hunting kids are growing up respecting firearms and they know what a gun is to be used for. Friends: my gun safety lesson back in 1959 was when my dad told me it was time for me to learn about firearms. He said, son it's time you learned where your food comes from. He handed me the gun and I shot the family cow and we butchered it. I will never forget it. I will admit I did cry but the lesson was well taught. In addition: he instructed me how to handle all firearms and always check and recheck a gun and never point it at anyone! Now let’s go to our inner cities controlled by politicians that do not want to promote; morals, principles or gun safety classes to be implemented. They encourage the breakup of families by government welfare programs that take fathers out of homes. No wonder young boys join the gangs to have a family and the gang leader is sometimes their father figure. The decline of America began big time in 1981 when the ten commandments were deemed illegal in all schools. Now this message is for parents and grandparents. How and why can kids be influenced to be turned into killers? I think I have at least one suggestion of why. The date was 1983 and I talked to an Army Beret at a recruiter station at the Missouri state fair. I asked him how does the army turn innocent young men into soldiers to go out and kill? He answered immediately, video games. (I was such a stick in the mud I did not know what a video game was) Let’s fast forward thirty three years. The date is now 2013 and one of my grandsons is pecking on a keyboard and watching a screen. I asked him what he was doing. He replied, “playing video games grandpa”. I said to myself, this is my chance. I watched and what I saw was terrible. A robber comes into a liquor store demanding money. The clerk gets shot and blood is seen gushing out of his head. Soon a police chase takes place and the robber ends up also shooting the policeman in a gun fight and he speeds more
I have often written of my third great-grandfather, Capt. Peter Daly, an Irish-born soldier in the British army during the American Revolution who settled in Canada after the war. I’ve known Captain Daly’s story since childhood, as it was told me in letters from elderly aunts in Ontario, and long been proud of his loyalty to his homeland. more
By the time you read this, another Father's Day will have come and gone, and I have no idea how I spent the holiday, because I’m writing this in late May. more
Hi friends and neighbors of the Marshfield Mail community. We certainly are so very blessed to have plenty of rain this year. After three years of drought I hope I never complain about mud again. O K everyone are we all ready to continue on with our story about how our Native Americans were treated when they were being rounded up for the forced march known as the Trail of Tears? Before we pick up where we left off last week, let me remind everyone about the last eight weeks. During the administrations of President Jackson and Van Buren they both had a joint goal to rid America of the five civilized tribes of Native Americans. Through years of haggling, bogus peace treaties and local hatred from greedy plantation owners and other white settlers our Indian friends stood little chance against the thousands of federal and state troops searching for their capture. Our weekly focus has been on the Cherokees however the other tribes went through similar experiences of torture and brutality. Now let’s bring everyone up to the watering trough of knowledge and remind everyone where we left off last week. General Winfield Scott commissioned Captain Folers with hundreds of federal troops to take over the Valley Flatt Plantation. The soldiers used the Valley Flat as their base of operations to ride up into nearby Cherokee land and bring Indian captives back to keep them incarcerated until the time was ready to begin their forced march to Oklahoma. The Mr Igley Moley of the Valley Flatt wants the rich farmland and slaves of the Cherokees and the army wants to capture the Indians. Idimer Hader is the Valley Flatt’s head henchman and has used a former captured slave of the Cherokees to lead the soldiers to the Cherokees hiding place inside Buzzard Beak Cave. Last week we left off with the soldiers and Idimer surrounding the cave and setting fires inside and outside to smoke the Indians and slaves out for capture. O K my faithful readers one more step. Mount up your favorite history horse to take us back into the past for this week’s sad story. All mounted? Let’s ride! Close your eyes count to three and —------ we made it! We are now in stealth mode invisible to everyone around us below. Let’s listen and watch–oh, over there by the cave entrance, fire is raging while the Indians and slaves are trapped inside. Idimer Hader, “O K men, them Injuns and slaves will be coming out like rats before you know it.(suddenly a 6 year old Indian child comes running out screaming and crying) Idimer Hader, “let me get him. (Idimer spurs his old mule and ropes the kid and dragging him around while he is screaming and hollering in pain. He stops and from a distance begins talking in Cherokee) We have one of your Di-Ni-Yo-TLI. (means children in Cherokee) Come out or else!” Instantly the child’s father comes running out with a rifle and a barrage of gunfire from the awaiting soldiers opens up and he is killed instantly.) O K rambling readers let’s listen inside the cave to what is going on with our trapped Indians and slaves. Chief Rain Frog, Tender Leaf the school teacher, Ezekiel the slave that used to be with the Cherokees until Idimer captured him and others are frantically running around dipping up water to put out the internal fires. Chief Rain Frog, “Everyone come together we must council! We finally got the fires out. Tall Tree has already been shot and killed by the white men trying to rescue his son.” Swift Horse—raising up his spear, “I say we all go out together and charge the white men and destroy them now!” Tender Leaf, “No! Please listen to me. The White Soldiers have many guns waiting for us. We must think of the future of our children and people. We must have faith that we can endure this present trial and persevere for the future of our people. I say we surrender. Otherwise we all perish.” Little Fox, “I will never surrender to them. I would rather die than surrender and be the white man's slave. What do you think Ezekiel? You’ve been the white man's slave for the last three years and our’s since birth.” Ezekiel, “ My family and people here have no choice. We either will die here today or we more
Not too many years ago could be found on many dairy farmers’ calendars the telephone number of their “cow breeder.” more
Hi rambling friends and neighbors of the Marshfield Mail. I’m very glad to be back to share week 7 about the history of the Trail of Tears. We have a lot of ground to cover this week so let’s begin with a review of the last six weeks. At one time our country had Native Americans everywhere. As the white men approached they pushed them off of their land. President Andrew Jackson had as his priority to remove our Native Americans from the United States to take them to the Oklahoma Territory by any means possible. He assigned General Winfield Scott with thousands of federal troops. In addition the locals were asked to join in to help locate and capture Indians that did not go willingly. The most prominent of the Native Americans were the Cherokees since they were considered wealthy and many were educated. In addition they owned over 1500 black slaves and even gold was discovered on their land in northern Georgia. Our priority through the rambling weekly articles has been on the Cherokees. O K folks: are we all ready to ride? Our magical history horses are all saddled and ready to get started. My personal horse ‘Flashback’ is already saddled along with the others. Mount up, close your eyes, count to three. Whoa! We made it. We are now in Northern Georgia overlooking the Valley Flat Plantation. Idimer Hader and the federal troops are getting started to ride out to search and find by any means where the Cherokees are located and bring them back in chains and put them in stockades until the time to begin moving them. Let’s listen in and watch for ourselves what is going on. Idimer Hader, (speaking and pointing at one of his slaves) “hey Mulebone, go get Ezekiel and bring him here. He’s in the cotton barn.” Mulebone, “Yes sir Master Hader.” Mulebone goes over to the cotton barn and sends Ezekiel to Idimer Hader. (O K readers I need to give you a little background about Ezekiel. Originally he was with his family and a slave for the Cherokee Indians and his master was Chief Rain Frog. One day Idimer Hader was going after a runaway slave in Cherokee country when he found Ezekiel picking peaches. Being that Ezekiel was a strong healthy black man he knew he would make a fine slave for the Valley Flat Plantation. He captured him and brought him back. Ever since he has made it known that he wants to return. Once he escaped and Idimer captured him back and gave him a severe whippin’) Idimer Hader, “Ezekiel, how would you like to join up with your family again? Ezekiel, “Master Hader, yes sir I would! Do you really mean it?” Idimer Hader, “Sure do we’re going to Cherokee land now. You find your family members and you will get to be with them. Go saddle Windstorm and ride with us.” Ezekiel, “Yes sir Master Hader.” (In the meantime Captain Folers of the federal troops begins questioning Idimer Hader while Ezekiel is gone saddling up his horse.) Captain Folers, “Idimer, what’s the meaning of taking a slave with us? We don’t need him. I thought you knew where all of the Cherokees lived.) Idimer Hader, Don’t you understand? Ezekiel has lived with the Cherokees for over 30 years; he knows all of their hiding places and everything about them. I am using him to find his family alright but also to find your Cherokees for you. We will both be happy. You get your Injuns and I get their slaves for the Valley Flatt Plantation.) O K rambling friends let’s take a little break and fast forward two weeks. We are now looking down at Chief Rain Frog’s cabin and village where his people used to live. It is very obvious they have left the area and are in hiding. Captain Folers “Idimer—- where are the Indians?” Idimer Hader, “Don’t worry Captain we will find our Indians. Just be patient with me and don’t say anything. Let’s pay a little visit with Ezekiel; he's at the end of the column. (meanwhile Idimer and the Captain ride back to where Ezekiel is) Idimer, “Ezekiel, we made it. It’s just like you told us. I don’t see your family or your old Master Chief Rain Frog. Tell you what I will do. I'll give you two weeks of food and we will turn around and go back to the Valley Flat more
Hi rambling readers. I am so very glad to be back in the saddle for week number five to continue our series about the Trail of Tears. O K–- let me catch everyone up that may have missed a week and for the new readers that need to know where we are in this story. A quick summary is: 190 years when Andrew Jackson was president he pushed congress and our nation to rid our country of all Native Americans. Fraudulent peace treaties, unfair laws and the power of the United States military were very successful in capturing the vast majority of the Indians by any means. We also learned that the Cherokees were very educated and lived in log cabins, owned hundreds of slaves and many had adapted the Christian religion. O K, enough review, let's get started! I already have our history horses saddled for everyone to ride with me in stealth mode into the past. Please mount up and let’s go ride and observe and listen in- first person- present tense. Let’s begin where we left off last week. Close your eyes–count to three. One, two, three–swish we made it! Look below—-friendly reminder: Mr Igley Moley of the Valley Flat Plantation is joining up forces with General Winfield Scott of the United States Army. The army is after the Indians and Mr Moley wants their slaves and land by any means. Let’s all hideout in the clouds above and listen in on Mr Moley and General Scott negotiating terms as they are eating supper. The servants are serving Mr Moley with his family and General Winfield Scott a fabulous meal. Steak, sweet potatoes, gravy and peach pie. Mr Igley Moley, how about it General anything more my servant can serve you? “ General, “I’m fine this has been one fine meal!” Mr Igley Moley, “very well let’s go into my study and join me for one of our cigars that we market and make ourselves. General Scott, “I would be delighted Mr Moley.” (Mr Moley and General Scott get up and go to the study room and sit down and light up cigars.) General Scott, “not bad, this is a great cigar, no wonder your plantation is famous for its cigars.” Mr Moley, “thank you general—- we ship wagon loads of our cigars and tobacco per year up to you yankees. General Winfield Scott, O K Mr Moley let’s get down to business and discuss terms. I have 500 soldiers camped on your land this evening and I appreciate you letting me use your mule barn as a stockade for the captured Cherokees we are holding until we can send them to Oklahoma.” Mr Moley, the Valley Flat joins Cherokee land on our northern border. I believe we can work together.” General Scott, “Mr Moley I am going to be to the point. I want to use your plantation as a staging area for my soldiers and I want to build stockades for the captured Indians. Also: I need the use of your slaves to build stockades for the Indians and to grow enough food for my troops and fodder for our horses. I will keep my troops busy day and night rounding up the Indians.” Mr Moley, “Very well General. You have some high demands however I can do it for the right price. I will need double the income I received last year from my cotton and tobacco acres. General Winfield Scott, “money is no problem Mr Moley. President Jackson wants these Indians captured and removed quickly! Mr Moley, “General you have a deal.” General Winfield Scott, “not quite so fast, Igley Moley there’s one more condition that must be met before we shake hands. I want Idimer Hader as my personal scout and tracker for the duration of rounding up the Indians. His reputation is infamous for his ability to track runaway slaves.” Mr Igley Moley, “now you have gone too far. He’s needed here to keep my slaves in line.” General Scott, “no deal without Idimer Hader and his mule.” Mr Igley Moley, mmmm O K I tell you what I can do. We get all the slaves and land that the Cherokees own when we capture the Cherokees.” General Scott, “It's a deal Mr Igley Moley. You want to shake hands and we start tomorrow?” (The two men shake and finish smoking their cigars) Whoa up rambling friends. Just think about what we have all seen and heard. Mr Moley and General Scott are more
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