I saw one of those motivational signs the other day. Some of these signs, I admit, I find annoying. But this one made me think. It read, “The world needs who you were made to be.” I later realized it was just the title of some kids’ book, and yet, it still captivated me. Can we be who we weren’t made to be? And, how, really, do we know who we are made to be, in each and every respect? The complete subjectiveness, of this line of thought, is what I find mesmerizing. There are no guidelines in this area. No one can tell us. No one has authority over what we have to decide, for ourselves, who we were made to be. We must figure this all out ourselves, listening to inner guidance only.
In the movie adaptation of “I Never Promised You a Rose Garden,” a novel about a young schizophrenia patient, the patient is assigned a substitute doctor, while her beloved one is away. He is not as sympathetic, or kind- all business, rather- and retorts, “I’m sorry you don’t like me because I’m not Dr. Fried.” The patient, Deborah, responds, “No, I don’t like you because you’re not being you.” She, though mentally disturbed, saw that he was using intellect and professionalism to curb all aspects of any real personality. Deborah, nor probably anyone else, if they’re sincere, didn’t like when someone put up a false front, not showing their true face. It was a warning sign for the sick, yet bright, young lady. Her new doctor wasn’t being “who he was made to be,” as the world, and she, needed.
Perhaps, at times, this line of thinking unnecessarily complicating things. At least for some people, “who they were made to be” is obvious, and comes with ease. When horror author Stephen King was asked why he picked horror, he said something like, “You think I picked this?” He said that this field- it chose him, a sentiment sometimes heard. He doesn’t feel like he had any say in the matter. These are the stories that just come to him. He merely materializes them, translating them onto paper. In one of his books, when King relished stories about his upbringing, that may have turned him into this specific type of writer, truly horrific scenes emerge, that would likely leave most others aghast. Yes, it seems, writing horror was clearly meant to be, for Mr. King.
Every day, we must fulfill so many different roles in life- each day can find us in an abundance of different situations. There are so many different aspects where we must figure out just who we are made to be. It’s, for sure, not just an occupational thing, but a life thing. Psychology giant C.G. Jung said in his book “Memories, Dream, Reflections,” about his real life, “I meant to meet its obligations and fulfill its meaning.” So, whoever you’re made to be, in whatever way you are called to do it, and whatever area of life, I hope you enjoy the process of becoming that person, or relish already being that person!
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