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Marshfield Senior Center


Our fall rummage sale is Sept. 28 – 30. Come in and shop our bargains!

Vaccination clinics at the Senior Center this fall are scheduled for:

Oct. 11, 11:00 – noon, courtesy of Marshfield Clinic Pharmacy (Flu)

Oct. 18, 11:00 – noon, courtesy of Marshfield Clinic Pharmacy (Flu)

No appointment is necessary. COVID vaccination clinics will be scheduled depending on the availability

of the vaccine in mid-October.

We are planning a Walk with Ease class beginning Oct. 3. This evidence-based program is designed to help you begin a healthier lifestyle. It will help you build flexibility, strength, and stamina. Call today to reserve your spot in this free class. 417-859-3555.

Our menu for the week is as follows: Sept. 27 – Oven Fried Chicken; Sept. 28 – Pulled Pork or Beef on Bun; Sept. 29 –Hamburger Steak; Oct. 2 - Lasagna; Oct. 3 – Tomato Basil Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich; Oct. 4 – BBQ Chicken. Menu subject to change without notice.

Alternates are available for fish and pork.

Thank you, Holy Trinity Catholic Church members, for delivering meals last week and

Webster County Retired Teachers for delivering meals this week.

We appreciate all those who save their Best Choice UPCs and aluminum cans for the

Senior Center - they help us keep the lights on!

Be sure to visit our “Li’l Library” and “Li’l Pantry” in front of our gazebo. Take what you need, and leave what you can. We appreciate all the folks who help us keep our Li’l Pantry supplied – there are a lot of hungry people out there, and we are proud to be able to help them.

You can reach the Senior Center by calling 417-859-3555.

If you haven’t already, why not like and share our Facebook page:


“Almost all my elderly acquaintances, including me, feel about 25 — unless we haven’t had our coffee, in which case we feel 107.” – Martha Beck.


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