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Marshfield Remembers the fallen on September 11


The City of Marshfield hosted its third annual “Marshfield Remembers” memorial at Patriot Park (1490 N. Elm St.) Monday in remembrance of the tragic events of 9-11-01. To recognize the 22nd anniversary of that day, a memorial display of 2,977 U.S. Flags was open to the public in remembrances of the lives lost during the terrorist attacks. In addition, two towers of light beamed through the night sky for exactly 102 minutes, concluded with the playing of TAPS CST by Marshfield 8th grade trumpeter, Mitch Jones. 

Mayor, Natalie McNish, stated “September 11, 2001 is a day frozen in time for many of our citizens, including myself. It was a day of disbelief, anguish, and anger unlike anything many of us had ever experienced before. September 12, 2001 was also a day I remember well. It was a day of unity, patriotism, and pride. We vowed then, as we do today, that we would ‘Never Forget.’ On the anniversary of these tragic events, it is our honor to remember and to share our memories with others. Citizens of Marshfield and beyond are invited to unite in patriotism and pride, and pay their respects to the fallen. It is also an opportunity to educate younger generations on the events of that day and what it meant to those of us who lived it.”

The event also offered a live-streamed Digital Learning Experience with the 9-11 Memorial & Museum in New York City. The stream explained firsthand accounts of the attacks and aftermath of 9-11. At the top of each hour, a 30 minute film designed for K-12 audience members was projected on the side of the poorhouse.

“We were excited to add the live-stream to the event this year,” McNish added. “We had a new layout for the flags which have Tower One and Tower Two, we have spelled out Flight 93 and we have the Pentagon with the design using 2,977 flags honoring the lives lost that day.”

The event was made possible by city crews who helped prepare for the tribute. The flags were outlined by members of the Marshfield FFA and advisor Justin Cron and painted by Coltrane Asphalt.

Like previous years, projects from Marshfield’s 6th grade class and coloring sheets from the elementary school were hung along the fence of the pool.

“The work from the kids really added a beautiful touch to our event and captures how the newest generation of Americans reflect on this part of our nation's history,” she said. “Passing this on is the only way we can truly “Never Forget.” Thank you Marshfield Schools.”

The annual event draws a large crowd to Marshfield and the City hopes to continue the tradition for years to come. Hundreds of people cycled through Patriot Park Monday and many tuned in to marshfieldwebtv.com to watch the live-stream, which is available for rebroadcast now.

“This is something that I've always wanted to do but when it comes to having a good idea, you're generally not the only one with it," said McNish. "When I took office, of course, it was during COVID. So we couldn't do anything then. But the next year, I really wanted to get a group of people together and brainstorm this. And I found out that the idea was really shared by many different people in the community. We’re so thankful for the involvement from the police, fire, EMS, parks department and local veterans. This is really a special event for Marshfield and we love providing this educational tribute for our community.”


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