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Evelyn Hampton Garden Club


The Evelyn Hampton Garden Club met for their monthly meeting on Friday, July 21st at 1 pm at Webco Manor Nursing Home. This was the second month that the club had met in the sunroom to allow the club's namesake, Evelyn Hampton, to attend. Those present included: Blanche Firestone, Carolyn Moye, Wanda Swenson, Dianna Witte, Judy DeLeon, McKinley Gray, Laurie Ford, Nicholas Inman, Jan Gallagher, Kathleen Shanks (guest of Blanche Firestone) and Evelyn Hampton. Absent were club members: Joyce Lawson, Reagan Inman, Wanda Zavala, Joyce Inman, Martha Myers and Virginia Winfrey.

Club President Blanche Firestone called the meeting to order and then Nicholas Inman opened in prayer. The club then recited the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Carolyn Moye read the minutes from the June meeting. She filled in for Secretary Laurie Ford. Treasurer Evelyn Hampton gave the treasurer's report. Refreshments were provided by Blanche Firestone. Laurie gave a final report on the club's annual flower sale, which takes place during the Cherry Blossom Festival.

The agenda included discussion on new plantings for the WW I memorial at city hall. Also, Dianne Witte updated everyone on the vases that are being collected at the 4 County Thrift Store at Elkland to be used for the Christmas decorations for nursing home residents. It was unanimously decided to have the 2nd annual amaryllis wax bulb sale for the Christmas season as well. The club will hold a workday to work in the day lily beds at the Elkland Independent Methodist Church on Saturday, August 12.


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