Imagine this, on Christmas Morning, you wake up, and the family gathers together, ready to open presents, when suddenly there is a knock on the door. You open it, and there, standing before you is Santa Claus. Sounds too good to be true, right? But if you live in Logan-Rogersville, that dream might become a reality with help from Care to Learn.
Care to Learn is a non-profit organization that partners with 41 schools throughout Missouri. Their mission is to provide immediate funding to meet emergent health, hunger, and hygiene needs so every student can succeed in school. Jen Kent, Social Worker for the Logan-Rogersville school district and Care to Learn liaison, tells some of the ways Care to Learn has helped out the learning wildcats.
“We have provided glasses for students who are having trouble seeing which helps them concentrate in class better. We have offered clothing vouchers for kids to have weather-appropriate clothing such as jackets and sweatshirts for colder weather.”
Care to Learn goes beyond the classroom. As Kent explains, “We also provide services regarding health. Say they are struggling to pay a mental health bill or hungry. We help set up funding and resources in the community to help those students out.”
Care to Learn Rogersville holds different fundraisers, most recently Kiss The Pig contest or “Pant” cake breakfasts, to meet those needs. But, for the holidays, Care to Learn wanted to do something more festive.
That is when Care to Learn decided to partner with Santa Claus. Residents of Logan-Rogersville can enter a raffle for $10 and be one of two lucky families to have St. Nick visit their homes on Christmas Eve or Christmas day. In addition, families that are hesitant about Santa visiting Kent reassures that families can dictate how the visit with Santa will go.
“If a family did not want him to come until two in the afternoon, read a story, or just come in to deliver presents and leave, that is fine.”
Drawing for the winners will be on Dec 16, so if you live in the Logan-Rogersville area and want to participate in the raffle or donate without entering, use the QR code or visit Consider helping your fellow Wildcats this holiday season and throughout the school year.
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