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Rogers Ramblings: Establish a hate group

By Roger Herman
Posted 9/4/24

Hi everyone! So glad to be back for more rambling. For the last three weeks we have been adding spark plugs to the defeated nation of Germany after World War One. We have been comparing defeated Germany to a blown engine that is being overhauled by Hitler with his eight part plan that he began immediately after he came to power in 1933. Each spark plug being installed gets his war machine firing up with more and more power. The last three weeks we have already installed three of Hitler’s spark plugs of evil to fundamentally change his country. They have been: Indoctrination of children. Number two plug: take guns away from its citizens, and last week’s number three was to control the narrative of the news media. Rambling friends this week’s number four plug is: establish a hate group. Hitler’s hate group was the Jews. Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat for his country to blame any problem on. Before the war was over the Hitler regime murdered six million Jews. I have studied and researched for many years the results of Hitler’s poor decision. Let me name just a few examples. Did you know that German physicists in the 1930’s were working on how to make nuclear bombs? One of the greatest scientists at the time was a Jewish woman named Lise Meitner; she discovered the radioactive element protactinium and was the author of the phrase nuclear fission. Lise was Jewish so she had to flee Germany because Hitler wanted her killed. There were many other nuclear scientists who were Jews who eventually escaped to America to work on the Manhattan project which eventually produced the atomic bombs that ended the war when dropped on Japan. Three of the most famous Jewish physicists were Einstein, Szilard and Fermi. These brilliant scientists and others could have developed the atomic bomb for Hitler but his hatred for them simply overwhelmed his evil mind of Satan. In addition to nuclear scientists the best of the best business men, engineers, inventors and skilled workforce were killed. In my opinion Hitler could have ruled the world if he had used his Jewish scientist and be the first to develop the atomic bomb before starting world war two. However: what Hitler meant for evil God almighty in his wisdom was using Hitler to pave the road for Israel to become a nation in 1948. Folks, Israel becoming a nation is in Bible prophecy and just one more reason why the Bible is so dangerous to dictators and tyrants. Now let’s get back to establishing a hate group. Hitler’s first concentration camp (death facility) was Dachau. Tens of thousands of Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies, preachers, and anyone else who did not accept Hitler’s ideology were sent there to die. Hitler’s Germany became a nation of snitches and anyone with any information could rise in Hitler’s Germany by turning in a family member or neighbor. Now folks do you think this is happening in our modern world today? Oh my yes! Let’s take China for example. Everyone has a Social Credit Score. Everyone is tracked and listened to and where you go and who you are friends with determines your social score for better jobs and opportunities. A low social score will deny you and your family from school, housing, food and much more. One crime that will get you rounded up and never seen again is having a Bible.The Bible is considered a dangerous book in China and will get you killed. Several years ago I survived a grain bin explosion and my back was broken in 7 places. I truly thought I was going to die. Long story short I woke up in the hospital and for days a long haired hippie type of male nurse took my blood at three o’clock each morning. After 4 days of misery I finally asked him why he was so rough looking? His answer was shocking. He said he had just returned from China disguised as an English teacher. However I was really a smuggler of Bibles to known believers.The government of China is trying to stamp out Christians. Missionaries such as my male nurse who risked their lives are helping to spread the gospel. Looking awful and looking like a hippie made

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