July 13, 2022
A McDonald’s employee named Mario had an idea that sparked a war and placed our peaceful city in the spotlight. It was a simple request:
DQ was quick to reply with “WE WLD BUT WERE 2 BUSY MAKIN ICECREAM” and the battle ensued.
It was a period of jovial, good-humored fun and it was just the medicine for our community as we sweltered through the hottest days of that summer. People from literally across the globe started to watch Facebook for the next line in the conversation to develop and we all had our favorites. Arrest Bank later quipped "Ice Cream Machine Broken? we have a loan for that." Sonic offered help by saying "We have ICE for those burns." Domino's critiqued "YOUR SIGNS ARE CHEESY JUST LIKE OUR PIZZA."
So as we near the anniversary of the Marshfield Sign War, I have to ask..... What was your favorite sign? Does it still bring a smile to your face? In the words of Mario, Hey Marshfield! Do you wanna have a sign war?
Natalie McNish, Mayor
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