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Helping fill student needs


On Jan. 11, 2023, one student was surprised when presented with a new mechanical wheelchair. It was made possible by a local organization called TLC Student Funds, which paid the insurance deductible to purchase the wheelchair.

TLC was founded in 2013 by two ladies, Jean Benzen and Anne Armstrong, who were at a teacher presentation. This presentation showed many students' growing needs and how teachers expressed wanting to help those in need but could not take on the financial burden. Afterward, Benzen and Armstrong started working to help those in need.

"We receive funding from local contributors, businesses, fundraisers, and foundation grants," tells TLC Student Funds President Jean Benzen. Teachers, counselors, and even social workers can help students on free or reduced lunches in the Marshfield school district by requesting funds. To fill needs such as purchasing food, clothing, backpacks, and even credit courses at Drury. The organization has even provided vouchers for first and second-grade students for the Scholastic Book Fair.

This brings us to a few weeks ago one student's occupational therapist and social worker reached out to TLC to see if they could help with getting the wheelchair.

"The therapist and social worker put countless hours into getting the wheelchair,' recalled Benzen. "It was not an easy feat, there were many forms to fill out, and they never gave up. A lot of people would have given up because of the long process. But seeing the look in their eyes and the students was so rewarding. That is what it is all about."

If you would like to know more about TLC Student Funds or donate, visit their Facebook page under the same title or send an email to jbenzen@centurytel.net


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