Non-profit organizations and grant award banquets go hand in hand but it isn’t often that grants come from a member owned Electric Company, nor do they happen as often as they do in Webster County. This past Thursday, Webster Electric Co-Op hosted its regular quarterly grant distribution ceremony. That’s correct, every quarter Webster Electric holds an open grant round for local area non-profits.
Operation Round-up, a special give back opportunity through Webster Electric, is an opt-in program for co-op members. “Webster Electric is a member owned co-op,” explained Denise Holdman, office manager and grant organizer for Webster Electric and the Foundation Board. “If your electric is through Webster Electric, then that means you own a piece of the company. We have about 62% of our membership participating in operation round-up.”
Operation round-up allows members to round their bill up to the next dollar. The rounded amount goes into the foundation for grants. “All you have to do is call and says you want to participate. It’s really easy,” said Holdman. In addition to the funds collected from members rounding up their bills, the Foundation also hosts a Golf tournament in October that raise additional funds.
The program started in 1998 and over the last 24 years Webster Electric Foundation has given out over 2 million dollars in grants to our community. Every quarter local non-profits can apply for a grant through Webster Electric, the only stipulation being that they must be in the Webster Electric service area. “This quarter there were eight applications and six were approved. We gave out a total of $42,079.95 this round,” shared Holdman.
Grant recipients from this grant round are as follows: Niangua Police Department, Vivian Stuber Memorial Library, Fordland Senior Housing Authority, Southern Webster County Food Pantry DBA King’s Food Pantry, Fordland Memorial Library and Rogersville Area Senior Center. Over the next six weeks the Mail will be visiting with each of the grant recipients to feature the works they are doing in our local community.
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