Species: Blue jay
Scientific name: Cyanocitta cristata
Nicknames: none
Claim to fame: Blue jays are familiar sights to Ozarkers. Some people dislike these noisy birds because they sometime chase smaller birds away from feeders. Blue jays also have a reputation of being destroyer of nests and eggs of other species, although some studies have shown they may not be as problematic as they are purported to be. On the positive side, some birders consider blue jays to be attractive and entertaining. On a lesser-known basis, blue jays are one of the major acorn collectors of the Ozarks. Their acorn-collecting habits provide a beneficial service by dispersing and planting oak trees.
Species status: Blue jays are common throughout Missouri.
First discovered: The first scientific description of the blue jay was written by the famed naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1756.
Family matters: Blue jays belong to the bird family Corvidae, which means they are close relatives of crows, ravens and magpies. Members of this family are usually large, perching birds with longer bills.
Length: 11 to 12 inches
Weight: not available
Diet: Blue jays are omnivorous. They eat fruits, nuts, seeds and they also consume frogs, mice, and other small animals. In the fall, they are busy eating and storing acorns. One study documented that 50 blue jays transported and cached 150,000 acorns in 28 days. That’s an average of approximately 110 acorns per bird per day.
Distinguishing characteristics: Blue jays are bright blue on top and whitish gray on the belly and chin. They have a grayish-blue feather-crested head. The feathers on their wings are bright blue with white and black bands. They have a “collar” of black feathers around their throats.
Life span: A blue jay is known to have lived 16 years, but probably five to 10 years is much more the norm in the wild.
Habitat: Blue jays live in a variety of habitats, including forested rural areas or urban areas that have an abundance of mature trees. Blue jays can be found in deciduous or coniferous forests, but they prefer areas with oaks and other nut-bearing trees. In urban areas, blue jays can be found in parks, cemeteries, tree-lined streets and any other area that features an abundance of mature, mast-producing trees.
Life cycle: A blue jay’s breeding season begins in mid-March and runs into early summer. The cup-shaped nest is built of twigs, small roots, bark strips, moss and other plant material. Three to seven eggs are laid, which the female incubates in 16 to 18 days. The male feeds the female while she is incubating. The young fledge in 17 to 21 days after hatching. After the juveniles fledge, the family travels and forages together until early fall.
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