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Mental Health’s Connection to Our Energy


While reading the answers from the helpful people at Burrell Behavioral Health for my article this week, I was reminded of a quote in a book I recently finished. Since I home-school, I read a Pocahontas biography out-loud to my children. Far from the fairy tale ending of the Disney movie version I grew up with, this interpretation included real-life, gritty details.

Towards the end, when Pocahontas is in England with the man she married, she has much to get accustomed to. A completely different way of life, which was much less directly connected to nature, like the culture she knew. Poor Pocahontas can’t seem to get by in this new-to-her land of the Old World. She finally asks her husband, “Why am I always tired? I used to work all day, and never get tired. Now, I am always tired.”

That line left me wondering. Was depression the culprit for her lack of energy? Or, did every facet of her new life take that much more effort to complete? From getting dressed, to going around to different buildings for various activities, much of her daily life probably seemed a waste of time to her, and consumed her energy right up.

I have always been fascinated, drawn to, and held a deep regard for Native American culture. I understand they had their own problems, and do not wish to romanticize the issue by completely glossing over the inter-tribal violence, etc., that was very real. But even with that realistic knowledge, for me, there is still something that remains: a continuous intangible something, a spirit of deep reserves of wisdom and knowing, a spirit of peace and ultimate serenity. From the deep respect they reportedly paid to each animal they harvested, and towards all of nature, to keeping life simpler, it seems a way of life that we, perhaps subconsciously, long for, and could possibly cure some of society’s ills today.

So, to me, it’s no wonder that the author of that Pocahontas biography wrote that in the final stages of her young life, she was without energy. The daily life that is closer to what we modern-dayers are thrown into, made her lethargic, listless. But lucky for us, it’s only a problem, in our own lives, if we are not aware of it, and once we are aware, we can take the steps to enjoying a happier, healthier lifestyle. We can learn from Pocahontas’ hardships and restore the balance she deserved, too.  


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