On Aug. 11, the Marshfield R-1 school news Facebook page posted that grades k-12 would receive free breakfast this year as part of the Provision 2 Program.
"Breakfast is a crucial start to a child's day," said Marshfield Assistant Superintendent Josh Hume. "With this Provision 2 program it will be great for parents."
The Provision 2 program is from the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act. This is one of three provisions aimed at helping schools instead of the traditional application methods that take a lot of time. With Marshfield implementing the program, it will be an absolute win for everyone in the district.
"This program is for breakfast only," stressed Hume. "We encourage parents to still fill out the free/reduced meals application that way, lunches are free or reduced for their kids should they qualify."
While it is difficult for many of us to admit we need help, applying for free or reduced meals helps families and everyone involved.
"Many may not want to admit they need aid," said Hume. "But, having your child's meals at little to no cost dramatically eases the financial burden they would otherwise have to shoulder themselves."
Research has shown how vital breakfast is for students. In 2013, Katie Adolphus conducted a study from the Human Appetite Research Unit at the University of Leeds, UK. After observing the progress of 21 students, she concluded her research with this thought:
"Increased frequency of habitual breakfast was consistently positively associated with improved school performance. Some evidence suggested that increased quality of habitual breakfast in terms of providing a greater variety of food groups and adequate energy is positively related to school performance."
If you need to fill out the free or reduced meals form, visit the Marshfield school district website at www.mjays.us.
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