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District faces staffing shortage


The current labor shortage has left many positions vacant. Marshfield Superintendent Mike Henry claims the district is no different than any other employer right now. 

The district is looking to hire both substitute teachers and bus drivers. However, the need for substitute teachers is urgent.

Hiring substitute teachers has been a challenge for many districts, but according to Henry, this year has been the most difficult by far. Henry spoke with both the Missouri Department of Elementary and Education Services (DESE) and local universities about the lack of substitute teachers. It appears there has been a decline in the numbers of college students and adults interested in education.

“There are just fewer people entering the educational field right now. It makes me a little bit nervous for upcoming years and making sure our positions are filled,” explained Henry. “However, we are excited because the state just opened up an emergency opportunity for subs to get their certification.”

The need for substitute teachers has been so dire across the state that DESE has created alternative paths to becoming a certified content substitute. 

According to DESE’s website, “A content substitute certificate may be granted to an individual who has successfully completed a minimum of twenty hours of department-approved substitute teacher training.” The individual must also complete a background check and create a profile on DESE’s educator certification. 

The district contracts the substitutes through Penmac, an employment agency. To encourage new applicants and retention, the rate for a substitute in Marsfield has increased to $95 a day.

“People who are interested can go through Penmac. It supplies subs for several area school districts including Springfield, Rogersville, Lebanon, Conway, and Waynesville. So they would have other opportunities, besides just here,” stated Henry. 

Although the demand for substitutes is greater, the need for bus drivers cannot be ignored. Last year, the district obtained Joiner Hob School Bus Barn and is now in charge of bus transportation. Since the buses operate before and after school, the district encouraged current employees to apply.

“We have certified and classified staff that do their regular job and drive a bus as well,” said Henry. “We put it out there for our current staff as an opportunity to make some more money, but we try to take care of our bus drivers because it's a position that is difficult to fill.”

Bethany Loe can attest to the perks of driving a school bus. Loe is not only the driver behind bus #8, but also is a paraprofessional for Hubble’s art department and a floating substitute that supports all schools within the Marshfield district. 

“It’s been pretty busy, a lot of sub shortages which has been surprising. The district was also looking for bus drivers, and I had always thought about it... When I found out there was a shortage and the community needed help, and that they would help with costs and training, it sounded like a really great option,” said Loe. “It's very empowering driving a school bus.” 

This is Loe's second year substituting and first year driving for the district. Loe has enjoyed every minute of it. Individuals like Loe help schools operate with ease, however she believes the work the community accomplishes itself is inspiring. 

“I love how everyone comes together. Just watching how they've overcome as a school district to make sure the kids get exactly what they need is inspiring,” mentioned Loe. 

Even Marshfield’s superintendent can agree that when facing a shortage like this, the community is always there to support the schools and their students. 

“We are so blessed in the community that we are in, with the people that are willing to step in and make sure our students' needs are met. The school district has struggled through covid like everyone and I just continue to be so proud to be a part of a community where everyone recognizes that it takes all of us” stated Henry.


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